Lyrebird | This Bird Mimic The Sounds Of Animals


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Lyrebird | This Bird Mimic The Sounds Of Animals

The magnificent lyre bird is a songbird and a beautiful looking bird and it is the largest bird among all passerine birds. The Lyrebird is one of the most beautiful and performing birds in nature. Apart from this, the Lyrebird is a ground dwelling bird which is native to Australia. The lyre bird is also named Woorrel, Worringarong and Bulan-Bulan by the Aboriginal people of Australia. These birds have a strong olfactory sense which helps them to detect poisonous food around.

This beautiful bird is known for its complex and beautiful courtship display where it displays its decorative tail. These birds are called Lyrebird because their tail feathers look similar to musical instruments and harps.

Lyrebird sing very good songs, apart from this, they can also imitate the sounds made by other birds, animals and humans. The songs of the Lyrebird last for about 20 minutes and have also developed a variety of sounds for themselves.  Apart from this, Albert's Lyre Bird was named after Prince Albert, the husband of Queen Victoria.

Where Are Lyrebird Found

This bird named Lyre Bird is found in Australia and its species lives only on this continent. The magnificent lyre bird can be seen in the rainforests of Australia including New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland. Albert Lyre Bird is a rare bird species and the magnificent lyre bird is found in the forests of south-eastern Australia which is from southern Victoria to south-eastern Queensland.

This bird has been depicted as a symbol many times and a lyre bird is depicted on the reverse of the Australian 10-cent coin. It is also included as the symbol of the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service. Lyre birds are birds of ancient Australia. Also, the Australian Museum has fossils of lyre birds from about 15 million years ago.

Scientific Name Of Lyrebird

The scientific name of the lyre bird is menura and there are two species of these birds under the genus Menura. The first species among their species is the magnificent lyre bird which is considered to be a species found mostly in Australia. Their second species is Albert Lyre Bird and it is a rare species. Albert Lyre Bird looks less beautiful than the magnificent lyre bird. Apart from this, the wings and tail are of dark colors.

But both these Australian Lyrebird sing a wonderful song and the voice of the Australian Lyrebird is one of the most famous in the world. Apart from this, these birds have syrinx which can mimic different types of sounds. Their songs show how well these birds can mimic.

The song of the Lyrebird may sound like a chainsaw at times but may sound melodious to others. Lyrebird can also mimic the sound or song heard around them. Which includes fire sounds, camera shutter sounds, children crying and a human voice. Apart from this, they can mimic the voice of other birds or the sound of dogs barking.

Habitat Of Lyrebird

Lyre birds are ground dwelling birds and can be seen in wet forests and rainforests. Lyre birds make their nests in moist drains. Apart from this, lyre birds are mostly solitary birds and these birds like to live alone when they grow up. But the babies of lyre birds stay with their mother for 6 to 10 weeks after birth.

Male lyrebirds become territorial during breeding season when they begin to display their tails and look for mates. They are not good fliers and remain in the same territory for their entire lives. Territories of the superb lyrebird are small and there are known behavioral differences between different populations.

How Do Lyrebird Look Like

The great Lyrebird appears more colorful and beautiful than Albert's Lyrebird. The plumage of the great Lyrebird is dark brown with a gray-white underside. Apart from this, their feathers are red in color and their wings are small and round in shape.

The Lyrebird has a beautiful tail and the tail of a male lyre bird can be up to 28 inches long and has sixteen feathers. Apart from this, two feathers outside the tail are shaped like the letter S and are named lyret because they look like a harp. The tail of the female Lyrebird is less bright. Read :- Mountain Bluebird Interesting Facts About Lovely Bird

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Size And Weight Of Lyrebird

Lyrebird are large birds similar to the size of a pheasant and the male superb Lyrebird is about 39 inches in length while the female is about 34 inches. A male Lyrebird weighs about 1.1 kg while a female lyre bird weighs slightly less than the male.

Albert's Lyrebird are smaller in size and the female bird is about 30 inches in length. The male bird is about 35 inches in length and their wingspan is about 30 to 31 inches.

What Do Lyrebird Eat

Lyrebird hunt insects, spiders, cockroaches, beetles, centipedes, moths and frogs for their food. Apart from this, these birds also eat seeds from time to time.

Lyrebird Nests

The magnificent Lyrebird exhibits polygamy in which one male mates with several females and a male bird's territory can overlap with six female territories. Also within his territory the male bird begins to build several high mounds to perform courtship displays. These mounds are then defended from other males. These birds have strong sexual selection in which the female bird visits the territories of several different males and chooses the most desirable bird to mate with.

When a male lyre bird encounters a female bird he performs a courtship display on the mound. The male lyre bird stands on the mound and shows off his tail. Albert's lyre bird is not so graceful but only gathers a small pile of twigs to attract the female bird. In this display the male bird sings and dances. The male lyre bird spreads out his tail to cover his whole body. The tail feathers move and flaps its feathers over his body then moves around the mound.

Lyrebird mate during the winter season in Australia which is between the months of May and August. Once mated the female Lyrebird builds a nest using twigs and sticks. Female birds lay only one egg which they incubate for 45-50 days. Read :- Frigatebird Fun Facts About The Magnificent Bird

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How Long Do Lyrebird Live

Lyrebird live for about 30 years in the wild.

How Fast Can Lyrebird Fly

These birds cannot fly very fast and are not very expert fliers either. The wings of Lyrebird allow them to jump for short distances or sometimes up to 2 meters above the ground. But Lyrebird can run very fast for long distances using their strong legs.

How Do Lyrebird Communicate

Lyrebird use sound to communicate with each other and have some different sounds. Lyrebird have songs or sounds when they are marking their territories. Male lyrebirds also make a unique sound when they are trying to display themselves to attract females. If these birds feel threatened they make loud high-pitched sounds.

How Many Lyrebird Are There In The World

According to calculations by researchers, there are about 3500 breeding Lyrebird left in the world and the exact population of the magnificent Lyrebird species has not been counted yet but it is believed that they have a stable population.

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the magnificent Lyrebird is classified as Least Concern. Albert Lyrebird is listed under the Near Threatened category as its population is considered to be at a critical stage and it may be at risk of extinction soon.

Behavior Of Lyrebird

Lyrebird are not dangerous to humans. But Lyrebird eat small animals and hunt them using their strong claws. Lyrebird are very cute especially when the male Lyrebird starts displaying his tail to attract his mate.

Lyrebird may not look as cute or tame as some other birds but their behavior is very cute and adorable. Lyrebird cannot make good pets. Apart from this, these birds are very shy and do not come too close to humans. Lyrebird like to live alone in the forest in their natural habitat.

Lyrebird Facts For Kids

1. What is so special about the lyrebird?

The lyrebird is an expert mimic. Capable of imitating both natural and mechanical sounds, it transforms these sounds into an inspiring song.

2. Can lyrebirds fly?

Lyrebirds are large birds that are weak in flight. Lyrebirds are ground-dwelling birds and have strong legs and claws. Apart from this, their wings are small and rounded. Lyrebirds are weak in flight and fly only occasionally.

3. How rare is it to see a lyrebird?

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the magnificent lyre bird is classified as Least Concern. Albert's lyre bird is listed under the Near Threatened category as its population is considered to be at a critical stage and may soon be at risk of extinction.

4. Are lyrebirds shy?

Albert's lyrebirds are shy birds.  Lyrebirds are restricted to a narrow range of subtropical rainforests and moist eucalyptus forests in far northern NSW and south-eastern Queensland.

5. How long do lyrebirds live

Lyrebirds live for about 30 years in the wild.

6. What color is the lyrebird?

The magnificent lyre bird appears more colorful and beautiful than Albert's Lyrebird. The plumage of the magnificent Lyrebird is dark brown with a gray-white underside. Apart from this, their feathers are red in color and their wings are small and round in shape.

7. Lyrebird is from which country?

Lyrebird is a land bird and is found in Australia. Apart from this, this bird is famous for its extraordinary ability to mimic many types of sounds. This includes the voices of other birds, human voices and mechanical sounds.

8. Can the lyrebird speak?

The Lyrebird sings very well, apart from this, it can also mimic the sound made by other birds, animals and humans. The songs of the Lyrebird last for about 20 minutes and have also developed a variety of sounds for itself.

9. Do lyrebirds lay eggs?

Once mated, the female lyrebird builds a nest using twigs and sticks. Female birds lay only one egg which they incubate for 45-50 days.

10. What do lyrebirds eat?

Lyrebirds hunt for food such as insects, spiders, cockroaches, beetles, centipedes, moths and frogs. Apart from this, these birds also eat seeds from time to time.

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