mosquito | Interesting Facts About Disease-Carrying Insects


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mosquito | Interesting Facts About Disease-Carrying Insects

Mosquitoes belong to the Culex species and the skin of the mosquito's body is made of exoskeleton. Apart from this, mosquitoes can follow the smell of other mosquitoes and leave their smell for other mosquitoes to follow. The life cycle of a mosquito occurs in four stages, starting with the egg, then the larva stage, followed by the pupa stage and finally an adult mosquito is born.

Mosquitoes cause dangerous and deadly diseases such as West Nile virus, malaria, encephalitis, etc. spread by mosquito bites. Keep reading for some interesting facts about these disease-carrying insects. Let's know about mosquitoes and start this article, information about mosquitoes and some interesting facts related to mosquitoes

Where Are Mosquito Found

A mosquito lives in wetlands and mosquitoes are also found in homes but to avoid diseases spread by mosquito bites, people try to make mosquito-free homes. Mosquito bites rarely require treatment.  Mosquitoes do not die after biting but if you crush them when they feel the bite then they will die,

There is no reason for mosquitoes to die after biting. Apart from this, mosquitoes do not lay eggs when they bite humans. Mosquitoes are more attracted to people with O blood group than other blood groups and among these mosquitoes only female mosquitoes drink blood. The reason for this is that by drinking blood they get nutrition for their child-bearing body.

When a mosquito bites a human being, it releases saliva under the skin during the process. When the body reacts to this saliva it causes lumps and itching. Mosquito bites are very itchy and spread diseases. Some things can be done for mosquito control.

The use of mosquito nets and nets on windows and beds is the best mosquito trap.  Do not allow water to remain for too long as stagnant water is the breeding ground for mosquitoes. Not wearing black coloured clothes, using mosquito repellent creams, planting mosquito repellent plants etc can be done to avoid mosquito bites.

Scientific Name Of Mosquito

The scientific name of mosquito is Culicidae and mosquito is a small sized insect whose wings buzz when flying. Mosquitoes are insects that spread diseases like malaria and mosquito belongs to the insect class of animals. Mosquitoes are species of the Culex genus and the Culicidae family that feed on human and animal blood.

Habitat Of Mosquito

The habitat of mosquitoes consists of small and large water bodies. Mosquitoes live in and near ponds, swamps, streams, stagnant water and other wetlands. Mosquitoes prefer to live in humid environments which are very effective for their growth. Mosquitoes also live in people's homes.

How Do Mosquito Look Like

The body of mosquitoes is black in color and the body of the mosquito is very thin. They have two transparent wings on their body which make a loud sound while flying. Their legs are very long and are bent in the middle.

Mosquitoes have two antennae on their head. They have an external nose which is a long proboscis that mosquitoes use to eat. Mosquitoes belong to the Culex species and are known to spread disease-causing diseases to humans by biting. Read- Strawberry Finch Facts | A Bird That Looks Like Strawberry

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Mosquito Length And Weight

Large mosquitoes are also very small insects. Most of the mosquitoes are between 0.15-0.4 inches in length. Velvet ants are twice as large as them. Mosquitoes are very light in weight. A large mosquito weighs between 2.8-8.5 milligrams.

What Do Mosquito Eat

Mosquitoes' food consists of microorganisms such as blood, algae, bacteria. Not all species of mosquitoes drink blood. Only the females of this species need blood to produce eggs. Mosquitoes also drink nectar from flowers.

How Do Mosquito Reproduce

Male mosquitoes and female mosquitoes reach breeding age at the age of 28 hours. Female mosquitoes can lay eggs throughout their lives once they mate. Female mosquitoes lay eggs on stagnant water.

Mosquito eggs hatch in 24-72 hours. The mosquito larvae that hatch from the eggs take 7-10 days to reach the pupa stage which lasts for 1-3 days. After that a fully grown adult mosquito is born.

How Long Do Mosquito Live

The lifespan of mosquitoes is about 2-3 weeks.

How Fast Can Mosquito Fly

Mosquitoes can fly at a speed of 1.5-2.4 kilometers per hour. Mosquitoes are very fast flying species and make a buzzing sound while flying.

How Mosquito Communicate

Mosquitoes rely on the scent secreted by their own species for communication. Mosquitoes also listen to wing movements that lead them to their swarm. Mosquitoes are sensitive to humidity, heat, carbon dioxide and the breath of their prey. Mosquitoes can locate humans by carbon dioxide emissions.

How Many Mosquito Are There In The World

There is no possible way to count the number of mosquitoes present in the world as there are more than 3000 species spread across the world. These disease-carrying insects are found in almost all the countries of the world. The conservation status of mosquitoes is of least concern and in fact humans are always trying to get rid of these insects.

Behavior Of Mosquito

Mosquitoes bite humans and mosquitoes spread diseases like dengue, malaria, elephantiasis, yellow fever, West Nile virus, encephalitis. That is why they are very dangerous for both humans and animals.

Humans consider mosquitoes as pests. Mosquitoes are harmful to human health and are hosts of viruses and bacteria and spread diseases like malaria. That is why mosquitoes do not make a good pet. Humans prefer mosquito-free environment and use mosquito nets to get rid of them. Read- Colourful Birds | 22 Most Beautiful Birds In The World

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Mosquito Facts For Kids

1. What are the scary facts about mosquitoes?

Female mosquitoes can lay up to 300 eggs at a time and are blamed for 2.8 million deaths every year. These disease-carrying insects also suck blood from birds, reptiles and insects.

2. Do mosquitoes have 42 teeth?

Mosquitoes do not have teeth and have a long, pointed mouthpart known as a proboscis that acts similar to teeth.

3. What are the special characteristics of mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are more attracted to people with O blood group than other blood types and only female mosquitoes drink blood. They are also identified by long, delicate-looking legs and long piercing mouthparts. The feathery antennae of male mosquitoes are thicker than those of female mosquitoes.

4. How much can a mosquito bite?

A mosquito can suck 1 to 10 milligrams of blood in a single bite and mosquitoes transmit deadly diseases like West Nile Virus, Malaria, Encephalitis etc. which are transmitted through mosquito bites.

5. Which country is mosquito free?

Mosquitoes are not found in Iceland and scientists are not sure why this disease-carrying insect is not found there.

6. Do mosquitoes sleep?

Mosquitoes sleep and have a sleep-like state which involves a specific posture.

7. Can mosquitoes lay eggs inside you?

There is no reason why mosquitoes die after biting you. Also, mosquitoes do not lay eggs when they bite humans. Mosquitoes are more attracted to people with type O blood than other blood types and only female mosquitoes feed on blood.

8. Can mosquitoes feel pain?

Mosquitoes can feel pain and there is strong evidence that many insects, including these, are sensitive and feel pain.

9. What are mosquitoes famous for?

Mosquitoes help pollinate certain flowering plants, which are an important food source for animals such as birds, fish, bats, frogs and insects.

10. What is the preferred habitat of mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes' habitat consists of small and large water bodies. Mosquitoes live in and near ponds, swamps, streams, stagnant water and other wetlands.

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